Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Drowning in bags under my eyes

OK, I took the Screech post off. I do apologize, it was a lame way to fill space. And since we still haven't been able to complete any projects that are blog worthy, unless you want to hear about the gigantic limbs of a tree we sawed off and chopped up this weekend, I am going to post something about me that you can laugh at. Don't worry, it's house related.

My friend Alison wrote an ARTICLE for a local weekly paper about problems with water bills in our area, and interviewed me for it because, as I think I mentioned, we received a $3800 water bill 3 weeks after we moved in. She warned me I might get called for a picture, but she had a guy who was willing to pose with an illegal key in front of his water meter, so they would probably choose that. Lo and behold, I get a call from the paper's 19 year old photo intern asking if he could come take my picture at 8am the next day. I hesitantly agreed and skipped the lecture about asking any woman over 30 to be photographed at dawn. I got up extra early and put ice, cold compresses, tea bags, and finally concealer on my eyes. I even turned the house upside down for Preparation H to no avail.

The other day, I got a horrified email from Alison, saying that she had seen the article, the picture was enormous and she was so sorry. Of course, the first thing I asked was if I looked enormous. She said, no, just tired.

YA THINK????? (graphics and titles, compliments of my husband)

Beyond the fact that my hair hasn't been cut or highlighted since before our wedding, I could take a trip with the bags under my eyes. And a wonderbra couldn't hurt either. Getting old sucks! Oy vay.


At 11:06 AM, Blogger freakgirl said...

I don't want to laugh, but I have to. Your expression is just all, "Can you even BELIEVE this? It exhausts me."

And your Wonderbra comment made me snort.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger freakgirl said...

Okay, one more thing. Go to the article and look at the photo right below yours. How come you didn't get to pose like that? That would have been awesome.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Emilie said...

From the neck up, you'd expect to pull out and see me in a moo moo and house shoes.

Our neighborhood email list serve reaches about 250 people in the East Lake area. A member found the article and forwarded it to the list serve. My picture was the first thing you saw when you opened the email. I fell out of my office chair.

I can't BELIEVE I allowed my picture to be taken with 6 months of growth on my last set of highlights. Believe it or not, I am usually blond. And way too vain about photographs to have let him take mine that morning. What was I thinking?

At 5:56 PM, Blogger freakgirl said...


You should see my hair right now. I need to make an appointment next week. I have about an inch and a half of brown roots, and the rest is all bright red. I don't know what my stylist is going to say...she'll want to touch up my roots. But I like the henna I use better. I might ask her to just strip my hair and then I'll henna at home. I don't know.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Emilie said...

I've never tried henna. How quickly does it wash out?

At 7:07 AM, Blogger freakgirl said...

After a few weeks, it kind of just starts fading. It covers your hair, not chemically changes it, so it just sort of disappears/grows out. It also makes your hair thicker and shinier.

I use LUSH brand...I don't know about it for blonde hair but I do know some people use a non-colored version just to make their hair healthier.

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emilie!!! Hi, Jenny Anderson here. First of all as a fellow blond DO NOT USE HENNA!!! It is for people who color their hair not lighten! Ok...now I had to comment on everything you said in your last post b.c i can relate to all of it. As a burgeoning 37 year old (my birthday is tomorrow) I too know that "look" that one has without at least 6 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep. Truthfully before I had Fiona I rarely had that look b/c I was a member of the 8 hour club or more.
But NOW?? I am lucky to get 7. Mostly it is 6 and that is just now that she is finally sleeping thru the night. I don't even want to scare you with the hours of sleep i was getting for the first 18 months of her life. You might never want to conceive if i did.
Anyway...I can relate. The bra, the bags and the hair. In fact I so rarely have the chance to get to the salon i have resorted to doing it myself with products for the beauty supply. And as a result my hair has taken on a subtle orange glow.
Well thanks for making me laugh.
Hope to see you soon over the holidays.


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